This is a collaboration between me and for Ludum Dare 44's Game Jam. Made in Construct 2. 

Speed through the desert while upgrading your car on the move to cover as much distance as possible towards your impossible goal, while avoiding the scenery and other cars who try to thwart you. Is it a race? Is it a quest of vengeance? Who knows! All I know is, you must not run out of fuel or scrap, or you will fail.

Has both keyboard and gamepad controls!

Keyboard Controls : Arrow keys to move. Q to boost, W to reload your primary weapon, E to create a shield, R to fire a rocket.  Space to fire your primary weapon.

Gamepad Controls (XInput) : Left Analog stick to move. A to boost, X to reload your primary weapon, B to create a shield, Y to fire a rocket. Right trigger to fire your primary weapon. Right trigger to fire your primary weapon.

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